Geologist | Hydrogeologist

With a Bachelor of Science in Geology, the individual brings a strong foundation in geomorphic processes, structural geology, and slope stability. Proficiency in ArcGIS Pro, Microsoft Suite, and Python coding is complemented by practical experience gained through coursework and field studies. Technical skills have been applied in projects related to hydrogeology, engineering geology, and surface water hydrology using tools such as ArcGIS Pro and Rocscience. Scheduled to take the GIT exam in October 2024, they are well-prepared to contribute effectively to geoscience projects.


  • Bachelor of Science – Geology
    • Relevant Coursework: Hydrogeology | Engineering Geology | Surface Water Hydrology | Landslides & Slope Stability | Field Methods &
      Theory | Geologic Mapping | Structural Geology | Geophysics | Sedimentology & Stratigraphy | Igneous &
      Metamorphic Petrology | Mineralogy | Geomorphology | GIS in Geology | Topics in GIS: LiDAR & 3D | Multivariable
      Calculus | Calculus & Analytical Geometry I & II | Physics with Calculus I, II, & III | General Chemistry I, II, & III
Job Type
Contract, Full Time, Permanent Hire

Bachelor of Science - Geology

Years of Experience
Candidate Location
Remote, Washington
Salary Requirements
Job Level
Entry Level